YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart PopUp



SKU WOOP5277 Category Tags ,

YITH WooCommerce Added To Cart Popup improves the user experience of your e-commerce website thanks to a modal window that informs your customers each time a product is added to the cart.
An easy-to-use plugin, but with a deep versatility and many options to use at your own advantage to have a website that’s easier to use and encourages users to purchase.

When we developed this plugin we tried to create a system that would be simple and that wouldn’t compromise the purchase process in any way, that’s why we’ve chose to create a non-invasive pop-up which would make the purchase process dynamic and would reassure those customers who would tend not to complete the purchase or to purchase less items than they’d want.

Once that was taken care of, we wanted to enrich this plugin in order to provide you with an effective tool that would adapt to several different scenarios, giving our pop-up window 8 different animations when it shows up, the canche to display a selection of products in the pop-up window itself and the chance to completely customize the color and size of the window.

YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup represents that small step you needed to start boosting your sales right now!


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