WooCommerce Constant Contact Integration



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Easily signup customers to your Constant Contact email lists during checkout and anywhere else on your WooCommerce store with the included widget!

Use the Most Effective Marketing Tool Available with Constant Contact

I bet 80% of you will answer this question the same way: What is the first thing you do when you get to work? Check Email? Yep! Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to engage with customers and a great revenue-generating tool available for your WooCommerce store. The WooCommerce Constant Contactextension makes it easy to get started with Constant Contact. After a quick setup, a checkbox is added to your checkout page so customers can easily opt-in to your email list. You can also quickly add a signup form anywhere on your site using the built-in widget.

Why Email is So Effective

Many of you know from your own habits that emails reach your target audience, and if written effectively, are very likely to be read (especially compared to a print mail offer). Using email marketing is also an excellent way to build a relationship with your customer, which improves overall satisfaction and reduces the risk of returns or negative reviews. Email marketing also lets you convert sales from current customers, so you earn more without the time or expense of acquiring new customers. If you already use Constant Contact, you’re ahead of the game. If not, sign up to starting making more money through email and customer re-engagement using Constant Contact and this extension!

What Does this Extension Do?

  • Now supporting WooCommerce Points and Rewards – Reward your customers for signing up to your email list! NEW
  • Provides a way to let customers to opt-in to your Constant Contact email lists from the checkout and order received page
  • Easily add a signup form to anywhere on your site with the included widget
  • Quickly see the total subscribers for your email list on the Dashboard page
  • Access top-notch reporting from Constant Contact to analyze your email responses and improve your marketing (and bottom line!)

Signup on Checkout

The checkout is the easiest place for your customers to opt-in to your email list. They can simply check the box and when they submit their order, their email address is added to your constant contact email list.

Signup on the Order Received page

If customers miss the checkbox on the checkout page, the Order Received page offers another opportunity for them to signup for your email list. A convenient message is displayed with a one-click signup.

WooCommerce Points & Rewards Integration – NEW

Constant Contact now integrates with WooCommerce Points & Rewards to offer customers points for signing up to your newsletter or mailing list. Now you can reward them for joining and giving you the opportunity to sell to customers you’ve already acquired and increase your lifetime customer value!

Get Access to Powerful Reporting

Constant Contact gives you all of the tools you need to become more effective in your business marketing. View your email analytics to test and improve your marketing, earning more money from existing customers as you build a positive relationship.

Powerful Configuration

Easily change the text displayed for the checkout signup checkbox, and even control whether it is checked by default or not. Offer it anywhere you want to on your site to make sure you build trust with customers and re-engage those one-time visitors!


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