Thrive Comments



Thrive Comments has collected all the most addictive elements of social media and community forums and added them to your WordPress comments, creating an irresistible channel for your audience to interact with your site.

The Superior Comments System for WordPress. Harness the Real Power of Comments on Your Website.

Build an Army of Engaged Visitors That Will Grow Your Site For You.

Build An Engaged And Interactive Community By Giving:

  • visitors the satisfaction of seeing others “like” their comments
  • achievement through unlocking badges
  • validation through up-votes and featured comments
  • a chance to get a comment shared on social

Naturally encourage quality comments and community contribution.

Turn Comments into Conversions

Holy cow, someone’s invested enough in your site to leave a comment and all you can do is …well, nothing.

As website owners, most of our time and effort goes towards trying to get visitors to interact with our site: click this button, visit this page, subscribe, sign up… but we often don’t look twice when a visitor takes the time, effort and thought to leave a comment. It’s your visitor putting their hand up, letting you know they’re interested in what you’re doing – far more than just putting their email address in a field.

When all you can do is tell them their comment is ‘pending approval’, so much opportunity is left on the table.

What could you do instead?

How about redirecting first time commenters to a ‘welcome to the community’ free gift page? What about showing repeat commenters a social share button so they

can post their comment (and your post) to Facebook as well?With Thrive Comments you can set post-comment actions. Anything from redirecting a commenter to a URL, showing related posts, giving social sharing prompts, or when combined with Thrive Leads, opening a lightbox.

Use the Power of Social to Amplify Your Comments

Why do your visitors write comments? So they can be seen, heard, and validated. So why not give them a chance to do that in a way that directly benefits your business. We’ve brought the power of Social Media to your WordPress comments, unlocking increased traffic, reach and shares for your site.

Make commenting friction-less for your audience by allowing visitors to leave a comment straight from their social accounts, no sign in required. Combine this with an after comment prompt to share the article on social – and the ability to share individual post comments – and you’ve got yourself a recipe for Social Media success.

Let Your Audience Tell You What They Want

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. One of the reasons Thrive Themes is so successful is because we realized the power of having a direct line to our audience. Two things allow you to tap into this rich resource. Getting your visitors to leave comments in the first place ( – see Spur Engagement above) and collecting and organizing these insights in a logical, actionable way. Thrive Comments comes with a suite of reporting tools that help you get to know your audience. Word clouds with the most frequently used terms – so you can develop content ideas, reporting on visitor voting and comment rates over time – so you can see if you’re making progress, and stats on your most active commenters – so you can identify your true fans.​

Up-votes and down-votes allow you tap into the silent majority, creating a no fuss way for the less active visitors to give their opinion.

More Comments + Less Work!

As a company that can get over 600 comments per blog post, Thrive Themes built this plugin with speed and convenience in mind – because we needed it!

Whether your blog involves a team of content contributors, or you’re just looking for an easier way to process comments on your own, you’ll love the Thrive Comments workflow.

​In a dedicated Comment Moderation Dashboard you’ll have endless comment sorting options, including comments from only your posts, comments that still require a reply, and comments on a single page or post. The whole interface is designed for speedy sorting, with keyboard shortcuts for every action.

With Thrive Comments you can assign a comment to a member of your team, so that the most relevant person can reply. Replies will nest under the original comment to make it easier to see threads within your comments. You’ll be able to see comments waiting for moderation on the front end of your posts, and you can set up custom notifications so you can rest assured your site will tell you when a comment needs your attention. Automatically linking keywords means all you have to do is type the pre-set term in your reply, and Thrive Comments will automatically create a link to the appropriate URL.


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