Themify Post Type Builder Extra Fields



SKU WP1915 Category Tags ,

Themify Post Type Builder Extra Fields is an “all-in-one” WordPress plugin for creating custom post types, taxonomies, and post type templates. Create any custom post type that you can imagine without writing any code. Everything is done seamlessly with the WordPress admin backend guiding you through step-by-step with an intuitive drag & drop interface. It works on any site with any theme.

Create Any Custom Post Type

For example: let’s imagine a “Property” listing post type created with the plugin. You can enable standard post features like title, content editor, excerpt, featured image, categories, tags, etc. Custom taxonomies such as property types, number of rooms, parking spaces, and baths can be created and associated with the post type.

Create Any Custom Field

Then we set up the meta box for all of the additional meta data for the “Property” post type (eg. Property listings should have meta data like: price, size, area, lot size, property taxes, etc.). The Meta Box Builder allows you to create all sort of input types (text, textarea, radio button, checkbox, dropdown select, image, and link) in a very simple and intuitive way. You can insert as many fields as you need.

Design Post Type Templates

After the post type and meta box is set, you will be able to create templates using a drag & drop interface. The template builder smartly loads only the associated modules that you’ve created in the meta box, and the frontend will render the layout as dictated by your templates. Everything is tied nicely together from post type creation to adding posts all the way to frontend rendering. All done within WordPress admin, without the need for any coding or PHP file uploads.

Display Posts With Shortcodes

Use the built-in shortcode generator to display custom post types anywhere as you want. As before, the plugin is smart enough to pull in the associated shortcode parameters based on the post types and taxonomies that you’ve created.

Import / Export

You can import/export the associated post types, taxonomies, and templates together or separately. This is great for building custom post types for multiple sites and/or clients.

WPML Integration

With the WPML plugin (not included), you can create multilingual custom post types.

PTB Addons

Extend Post Type Builder with these addons:

  • Map View

    Display posts on a map by querying the location field from a custom post type.

  • Extra Fields

    Add additional input fields like map, video, slider, gallery, rating, etc.

  • Search

    Create advanced search forms for your custom post types.

  • Submissions

    Allow users to submit and edit posts for your custom post types.

  • Relation

    Link 2 post types. Query post type (A), while showcasing post type (B).

Post Type Builder is an extremely powerful yet simple to use plugin. It has made creating custom post types a snap, without having to write any PHP code or having to use multiple post type plugins. Not only can it open up more possibilities with post types, but can also save a tremendous amount of time because everything can be created seamlessly with one plugin.


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