Responsive Menu Pro



SKU WP10122 Category Tags ,

Highly Customisable Responsive Menu Plugin for WordPress.

Responsive Menu is a simple WordPress plugin that allows you to convert your current theme menu into a mobile-ready, fully W3C compliant responsive design in seconds.

No coding knowledge needed.

Responsive Menu is a simple WordPress plugin that allows you to convert your current theme menu into a mobile-ready, fully W3C compliant responsive design in seconds.

Desktop and Mega Menu

Not only can you take control and customise your menu on mobile and tablet devices, you can also control your desktop menu too. With full customisation options including Mega Menu functionality, everything is covered.

Header Bar

Give yourself the ability to add a Header Bar to your site, like the one on this site. Combining it with the desktop and mega menu options above and with its many customisation options, you can have a beautiful site set up in minutes.

Touch Gestures and Keyboard Commands

You can use hand or mouse controlled touch gestures such as swiping, or keyboard commands such as Esc or Space to open and close the menu. As with everything in the plugin, the choice is up to you.

20+ Button Animations

We have integrated the amazing button animations created by Jon Suh, which can be found on his hamburgers page. All are fully unlocked and ready to give your menu button a bit more pizzazz!

Font Icons

We have harnessed the amazing work of the 600+ font icons available from FontAwesome and the GlyphIcon sets to allow you to select an individual icon for each and every menu item at your choosing. You even have the option to use your own custom HTML if you please.

Multi-Lingual Site ready

The plugin is fully integrated with WPML and Polylang for multilingual sites, allowing you to change different elements of the plugin including the menu itself dependent on the language site your users are on.

Responsive Menu has all the features you need to create a beautiful WordPress Responsive Menu.

Color Opacity

Every one of the 30+ color options come with the ability to change the opacity giving you another level of customisation. Check out the header bar above to see it in action.

Custom CSS

A custom CSS option is included which allows you to fine tune the plugin to your specific needs without having to edit any theme files. Everything is self-contained.

Disable Background Scrolling

Most similar plugins that have this option have side effects such as the page jumping to the top when the menu is open. Responsive Menu has a special technique that lets the page stay in place when opening and closing the menu.

Accessibility Driven

Accessibility is an important factor of the plugin. As such, we take great care to ensure that it can be used on as many devices as possible.

W3C Compliance

Code quality is another important factor of the plugin. Every release is checked for any HTML, CSS and JavaScript issues and is constantly being checked. You can see our latest report here.


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