Elegant Themes EGamer



SKU WP22017 Category Tag

I have completed another theme today entitled eGamer (Elegant Gamer). This theme was created with video game bloggers in mind, however, it can certainly be adapted to any niche. Within the theme you will see many features geared towards gamers, however, I have given a lot of control over the theme’s functions via the theme options pages, which makes many of these features optional. 1. Video Embedding/Recent Videos Display I have added video embedding, which functions similarly to eVid. When you make a post you can add a custom field with your desired video embed code (taken from a video streaming website such as youtube). This video is then displayed on your single post page below the rest of the content in its own box. You will also notice a “Recent Videos” section on the homepage. This sections searches through all of your posts and gathers any post that has a Video custom field. It then automatically displays the most recent video on the homepage. This feature is optional, and can be turned off from within the theme’s options menu. 2. Author Post Ratings/Recent Reviews Many video game blogs are used to review new games. For this reason I have added a basic author rating system. Whenever you make a post you will notice that a new section has been added below your text editor entitled “eGamer Rating settings.” Within the field just type a number between 0 and 5. Once you assign a rating a star-rating image is generated and placed on your post page below the title. You will also notice a “Recent Reviews” section on the homepage. This box searches through all of your posts and gathers those that have a rating assigned to it, and then displays the most recent 4 posts. This feature can be turned off from within the theme’s options page if you don’t plan to have any review posts. 3. Optional Blog Style Post Layout Similar to StudioBlue, I have added an optional blog-style post layout. This can be turned on and off from within the theme’s options menu. You can switch back and forth whenever you like. 4. Thumbnail Images For each post you can assign a single thumbnail image. This thumbnail image is automatically resized, cropped, and paced throughout the blog. Instead of adding a “custom” field I have placed a custom write panel.  Whenever you make a post you will see a field below your text editor titled “eGamer Thumbnail Options.” Simply input the full url to your image and save your post to apply a thumbnail. 5. Featured Articles You can choose featured articles for your blog which will be displayed through a javascript scroller on the homepage. These are set to rotate automatically, and can also be rotated by mouse click. 6. Three-tier Dropdown menu I added a dropdown menu to the theme, and have also added an additional tier. 7. Advertisement Options The theme comes with two optional advertisement areas. There are four 125×125 banner image spots that can be displayed in the sidebar, as well as a single 468×60 banner that is displayed at the top of the page. The banner images and URL’s are managed via the theme’s options page, and both nodes can be turned on and off at any time. To learn more about the theme you can check out the features page, or the live demo. More themes are on the way, stay tuned! I am also looking into bringing some fresh talent to Elegant Themes to help bring a greater variety of style and innovation.


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